Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy Version: 1 Issue Date: July 2023
Identity Leader Development Ltd is committed to achieving a learning and working environment which provides equality of opportunity, inclusion and freedom from discrimination, harassment and victimisation and intimidation. We expect all staff and stakeholders to treat each other with respect and deference to individual needs. We have an ethos of zero tolerance of discrimination, harassment or bullying of any kind. This includes on the grounds of age, race, gender, marital status, disability, religion or belief, gender reassignment, sexuality or on any other grounds, including association.
Legal Requirements The policy recognises the requirements and general duties of the Equality Act (2010)
•To remove or minimise disadvantages experienced by people who share a protected characteristic
• Take steps to meet the needs of people who share a protected characteristic.
• Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation, intimidation and other conduct prohibited by the Act
• Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
• Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
1.21 Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy Version 1 - July 2023.
Discrimination is recognised as when a person is treated less favourably than another person because of a protected characteristic they have or are thought to have. It is also recognised as potentially occurring through association to another individual who may be discriminated against because of their protected characteristic.
Harassmentis recognised as unwanted behaviour that has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity or creates a degrading, humiliating, hostile, intimidating or offensive environment.
Victimisation is recognised when a person experiences disadvantage because they have supported someone in making a complaint or an allegation of discrimination, or because they personally have made an allegation of discrimination.
Disability is defined as ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities’. This is recognised to include not just people with obvious physical disabilities, visual or hearing impairments, but also people with dyslexia, diabetes, epilepsy, mental health conditions or long-term illnesses that are now in remission.
Responsibilities Staff are responsible for their own conduct and should ensure that their behaviour does not make any other person feel uncomfortable. Every member of staff and every trainee has a responsibility to question their own prejudices and assumptions. It is the duty of all staff to avoid unfair and discriminatory practices, to challenge them in others and to accept personal responsibility for abiding by this policy.
Identity Leader Development Commitments to DEI.
• Recruitment and marketing materials are designed to ensure they are accessible for all and free from bias and stereotypes, and that they encourage applicants from all groups in the community
• The range, content and delivery of training courses reflect the needs of the clients and trainees, whilst recognising the need for individual consideration.
• All aspects of training are sensitive to, and promote, equality, diversity and inclusion including language used, delivery methods, materials, group organisation and activities;
• Teaching and learning materials and delivery methods avoid prejudice, stereotypes and bias, and unnecessary gendering and are available in formats that meet the needs of individual trainees.
• Ensure that Identity Leader Development training engages with employers who provide employees with a safe work environment which is free from discrimination, harassment and intimidation and value diversity through their commitment to fair employment practices.
1.21 Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy Version2 - Jan 2022 Reasonable Adjustments The company has a duty to make reasonable staff and visitors.
These may include:
• Making adjustments to the premises
• Applying to an awarding body for reasonable adjustments for assessments
• Re-allocating duties or transferring a disabled member of staff to a role better suited to their disability
• Relocating training to a more suitable and accessible facility
• Adjusting timetables to take into account of needs or attendance at medical appointments or rehabilitation
• Providing training or mentoring for a disabled staff .
• Supplying or modifying equipment, instruction and training manuals for disabled staff.
Sean Donnelly 13/07/23,
Managing Director,
Identity Leader Development Ltd,
Oberoi Business Hub
19 St Christophers way,
DE24 8JY